Little Laurie hit the road today for Epping, NH from Albany NY. Stopped off in Keene NH for a bit to soak up the freedom loving atmosphere. In Keene it’s all about freedom and personal responsibility. Love it!!
Wow!! Talk about gorgeous backroad scenery! I was humbled to tears coming over a rise to gaze upon a massive valley in a million colors where you could see for miles and miles. All that morning I was repeating Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac in my headset. If you followed my other blog years back you will well remember I am a certified nut for all things Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks. I suppose you just had to grow up in that era. Being a teenager in the mid 70’s.
“The Sound Of My Voice Will Haunt You!” Just listening to that song Stevie wrote while on tour sends shivers up my spine. Coming over the rise and seeing the valley below… well, let’s just say it’s way, way beyond words.
Hmm, lets see if I can find that clip showing me coming over the rise into the valley. Yes, here we go, with Silver Springs in the background.