Chasing my lifelong dream…

I came across a story today that really, really touched my heart. Darcy Ward was born with nerve paralysis on the right side of her face. Nothing on that side of her face works for her. She’s 51 years old. Starting at an early age kids would tease and torment her to no end.
Darcy Ward
Darcy Ward
Darcy Ward
Darcy Ward at 3

I’ll let Darcy tell you her story….


I was born with 7th facial nerve paralysis on the right side of my face. Nothing on that right side works.

I am a 51 year old woman who can’t  get comfortable in my own skin.

As a child, I was tormented and traumatized by other children and even adults. I would run home everyday from school to hide and cry. And it was everyday. I had such anxiety when Sunday night came, I knew I had to go to school the next day, and it was terrifying. Things they would say would hurt beyond my understanding at that age.  “Freak, retard, nobody likes you, nobody wants you here”. While all of this was going on, my parents were going through a divorce, and my brother was dying of cancer at 16, I was 11.

I am still very much hiding from life. If I go to a restaurant, I will always go to the dark booth in the back. Even at this age, some people are not kind.

As I went into junior high school, 7th grade, I thought it would help with kids being a little older and more understanding. It was even worse. I was set on fire in an art class, because a boy didn’t like my face, as luck would have it, my older sister was the teachers aide and she ran to the bathroom with me to put out my clothes, which were still on fire. I had a few minor burns. As in grade school, I was mocked, teased and told “your so ugly”, “go home retard”, “don’t look at me”, etc… I was all alone.

I didn’t finish high school, I couldn’t take it anymore. I tried to commit suicide. When that didn’t work, at 15, I found relief in cutting myself. Before anyone even new what cutting was. I didn’t know, I just knew I felt relief from it.

At the age of 18, my grandparents looked for a solution to help me. They found a micro surgeon in Portland, Or. I was so excited to have my surgeries, I couldn’t wait! I was going to be normal!! I was so naive. I looked so much worse. I had stitches in my laugh lines, all around my eye, on my leg, on my head. I had all these scars I wasn’t prepared for.  My right eye is much smaller than my other eye. They were attempting to get my eye to close all the way, it didn’t work.

I understand that was a long time ago, in 1983, and in the world of medicine things have changed drastically. New and amazing things can be done now.

I am married now, and my husband loves me the way I am.  We have modest a life, but we  don’t have any extra money.  I would give anything to have confidence in myself and to look more symmetrical and NORMAL. I am not looking for a miracle, I am very realistic.  But an improvement could change my life.

I have applied to the “Botched” & “Botched by nature” shows on E, with no response. So this is my last possibility  of getting my surgery done.

I have done the research and I have found a board certified reconstructive plastic surgeon, and he is willing to take me on. My surgeries would include, facial implants to even  and fill out my right cheek, I will need 2 of them, cost $5000,  reconstruction on my eye $2500, surgical center, $2500, Anesthesiologist $1500, I  will be able to stay with relatives in Ft. Lauderdale. That saves me the cost of flight and motel.  I am trying to raise this by the end of March.

I know  that this will give me the confidence and strength to finish school and come out of hiding.  And live the life I was meant too.  I am a  strong person, but this has always stopped me in my tracks. I have never asked for help before… can you please help me? I can not  express how grateful I would be. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I have more pictures in the updates.


The part below where she wrote this is where I lost it.

“I am still very much hiding from life. If I go to a restaurant, I will always go to the dark booth in the back. Even at this age, some people are not kind.”

Some people are not kind…. Tell me about it!!!

Some guy set her on fire in the 7th grade???? Un-effing believable!!

$755 donated as of 1.19.17  Let’s revisit Darcy in 6 months and see what happens.



Somewhere In New Mexico

“Something is about to happen. Something very wonderful.”


This post was composed under the magical influence of Starry Starry Night by Don McLean